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Smoked parsnip soup

The recipe yields the best results when cooking with the Muurikka Electric Smoking Oven PRO.

• 400 g parsnips
• 200 g potatoes
• 1 large onion
• 9 dl milk
• 2 dl whipping cream
• salt
• black pepper
• butter for browning

Cut up the onion and parsnip into 2 cm x 2 cm cubes. Smoke the cubes for 15 minutes at level 3 (~ 200 °C). Brown the smoked vegetable cubes for a moment in a saucepan with butter.
Cut the potatoes into cubes and add them in with the milk. Let simmer slowly until completely cooked – this will take about half an hour. Blend with the stick blender and add the cream.
For a smoother result, you can add some milk or cream. Season with salt and black pepper.

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