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Chicken-vegetable skewers

The recipe yields the best results when cooking with the Muurikka Electric Smoking Oven PRO.

• 500 g chicken breast fillets
• 1 courgette
• 2 peppers
• 2 large red onions

• the juice of 1 lime
• 1 tbsp soy sauce
• 1 garlic clove
• 1 tsp Sriracha sauce
• chopped coriander

Cut the breast fillets into 3 cm x 3 cm pieces. Marinate the pieces with soy sauce, coriander and Sriracha sauce. Let marinate in cold for at least one hour, preferably over night, for the flavours to develop.
Cut the vegetables into pieces of the same size. Add chopped garlic, some soy sauce and salt to taste into the vegetables. Let the vegetables marinate for about an hour.
Thread pieces of chicken breast fillets and vegetables alternately onto the skewer. Smoke the skewers for approx. 18 minutes in the smoking oven at level 2 (~ 180 °C).

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  • Muurikka Electric Smoking Oven PRO 1100 W

  • Muurikka Electric Smoking Oven PRO 1200 W

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